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Thank you for taking the time to visit this tribute to my husband, Will Reeb. Will was my rock, my friend and confidante, my teacher, and my sidekick in the adventure of life. 


Will meant a lot to many people. Maybe you are one of them. If so, then this is for you, too. I hope it will help comfort you, and keep alive the vibrancy of your own unique memories of Will.

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The Will I Knew and Loved

Will was irrepressibly optimistic and enthusiastic.


He was also continuously in search of serenity, sunshine, and most of all...silence. Those were his favorite things.


His craving for tranquility sharply contrasted with (and perhaps was often because of) his tireless curiosity, exceptionally active mind, and relentless pursuit of learning — he was intensely curious about how things, and people, worked.


And he always seemed to be a step ahead in figuring out what was important in business and in life.

Where there's a will, there's a way...

After you got to know Will, that statement made a lot more sense.


His own health and comfort came a distant second to his desire to fix, refine, perfect, and finish whatever project he was working on. He was always the most persistent and energetic person in the room.


This followed through in his fastidious care for those he loved, especially me. He couldn't let the smallest detail go unchecked, the slightest need go unmet.

The best conversations for Will were ones in which someone was telling him something he hadn't previously known. He was never happier than when he was learning something...he said it made his brain tingle, and he loved that sensation.





Yet, even though he was more knowledgeable than many on many subjects, he was never afflicted by the curse of knowledge. Instead, Will used his ability to “read” people as an opportunity to relate to them on any level, at any age. He was always a step ahead in discerning people's passions or anticipating their needs and setting in motion ways to make them happy.


Will was not one to blindly follow anyone or anything. He insisted on applying logic and critical thinking to every issue or problem, no matter how large or small (including, for example, cooking, shopping, or writing casual emails). 


His pursuit of truth was integral to his approach to life. Whether it was a trend, a tradition, or a technology, a fashion, a philosophy, or his faith, he thoroughly vetted them all before placing his allegiance, and wasted no energy on what he saw as shallow, insincere, or inefficient. These characteristics were rooted in a deep desire to follow God's plan for him/us. 


Will embraced the mystery of spirituality. His faith was in a loving Father-God...and there is no fear in love. Like everything else, his faith came from conviction — not from convention or convenience — and was based on the simple principle of "just doing what I'm told."


In contrast, the explanation for his spontaneous and persistent kindness, thoughtfulness, and care for others was no mystery — he strongly believed that every person was valuable and worthy of love by virtue of being created in the image of God, and that all are loved equally and individually by our Creator. 


Will lived every day to soak that message in and pass it on... 

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God... This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:7,9

Laughing Matters

Will's sharp wit found its way into most of his conversations, spoken and written. Making people laugh was part of his way of motivating them, encouraging them, and lifting the overall mood.


Words delighted him — especially word play — and he was quick to show his admiration of even my most feeble efforts to wrestle humor out of them! 


Will's own foibles didn’t escape his sense of humor either. It wasn't unusual to hear him poking fun at himself or including himself in his own unflattering insights about humanity.


Anyone who spent even a brief moment with him will remember his gentle teasing, twinkling eyes, and his smile that drew you in and made you feel heard and appreciated. 

Will lived more life than most people could fit into several lifetimes. His lifelong dream was to sail for at least a couple of months. There were so many things we were anticipating doing...


But we needed more time together.


A Step Ahead...

One day I will be with Will again, and that day cannot come soon enough.

For now, I take comfort in believing that he is, once again, just a step ahead...

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